Holiday Cheer!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Princess Bookie is having a Pre-Kick Off Contest to her upcoming 12 Blogs of Christmas Contest!!!
What a lot of contests! Must be a follower to enter. Please mention that BunnyB sent you when you head over there to enter/be a follower :)
Ends 31 Dec

Speaking of 12 Blogs of Christmas, for Day 5, it's held at Ellz Readz. And she has 5 prizes to give away!

Mrs. Magoo Reads
- copy of ICE - Ends 28 Dec
Jolly Mom - Amazon gc from Got Free Ecards - Ends 25 Dec
The Eclectic Reader - choice of book from list - Ends 31 Jan
Library Lounge Lizard - book of choice from list. Must be a follower.
The Mommy Homemaker - LOVE Stamp Necklace - Ends 21 Dec
Mint Green with Envy - Flirty Aprons - Ends 1 Jan
A Giveaway Addicted Mommy - Flirty Aprons - Ends 31 Dec
Monsters in my House - Madras 641 tunic - Ends 27 Dec
As Good As Cake Reviews and Giveaways - Christy Wood necklace - Ends 24 Dec
Jamie's Precious Peas - Huaruru necklace by The Andean Collection - Ends 30 Dec
Über-Chic for Cheap - Shabby Apple dress - Ends 20 Dec
Daddy Likey - Mega Exciting Closet Confidential Giveaway - 31 Dec